Giveaway has ended yesterday at 19:00. The numbers are assigned in accordance with the time when a comment on the picture was published, then Random.org randomly selected the winner.
And the winner is...........ღ K R I S T I N A K E M E Š I Ć ღ!
Congratulations to Kristina, we will contact you shortly, and to all the others we wish more luck in another giveaway by RNR Fairytalea and Soulmatea :)
Giveaway je završen jučer u 19:00. Brojevi su dodijeljeni u skladu sa vremenom kada je postavljen komentar na sliku, Random.org je tada slučajnim odabirom selektirao dobitnika.
A dobitnik je………..ღ K R I S T I N A K E M E Š I Ć ღ!
Čestitamo Kristini koju ćemo ubrzo kontaktirati, a svim ostalima više sreće na drugom giveawayu RNR Fairytalea i Soulmatea :)