Monday, November 23, 2015

Where is the love?

Hello my Lovelies!

First of all, I would like to start by sharing a quote with you guys:

'' I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word. ''
Martin Luther King, Jr.

I know this is just a fashion blog, but I have the need to share some non fashion related thoughts... My heart aches when I see everything that is going on in the world. What human beings are doing to each other. In this difficult time, I think that it is so important to realize that we shouldn't allow this situation to develop hatred. We shouldn't generalize and judge. There has always been evil in this world and always will be, but there has also been good and it is up to us to make sure that the good prevails. So, don't let events that have been happening bring out fear which will bring out anger and anger is a seed for hatred. Hatred is the last thing we need. This is the time to be united and spread love.

I'm sending a lot of love to all of You and everyone is in my prayers and thoughts.

Za početak bih htjela podijeliti s vama jedan citat:

'' Odbijam prihvatiti stajalište da je čovječanstvo toliko tragično vezano za bez zvjezdanu ponoć rasizma i rata, te da svijetla zora mira i bratstva nikada ne može postati stvarnost... Vjerujem da će nenaoružana istina i bezuvjetna ljubav imati konačnu riječ. ''
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Znam da je ovo samo modni blog, ali imam potrebu podijeliti s vama par misli koje nisu vezane za modu... Srce me boli kada vidim što se događa u svijetu. Što si ljudi međusobno čine. U ova teška vremena mislim da je jako važno ne dopustit da se razvije mržnja. Ne trebamo generalizirati i osuđivati. U svijetu je uvijek bilo i uvijek će biti zla, no uvijek je bilo i dobra i na nama je da se pobrinemo da dobro pobijedi. Nemojte dopustiti da nedavni događaji u vama razviju strah, jer se iz straha rađa bijes koji je odlično sjeme za mržnju. A mržnja je zadnje što nam je sada potrebno. Ovo je vrijeme za širenje jedinstva i ljubavi.

Šaljem Vam puno ljubavi i svi ste mi u molitvama i mislima.

ASOS choker necklace
H&M cardigan



Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Hello my Lovelies!

I know a lot of you are sick of the song I included in this post, since it has been EVERYWHERE lately, but I really love the song and the artist behind it, plus it's kinda convenient since I've been MIA for so long. So... Hello, it's me ;) 

Let's talk clothes... I've been wanting to wear this amazing vest on the blog for so long to show it to you guys. There's a small pic of it in my Barcelona post, but here it is in it's full glory. It's really versatile and I've been enjoying wearing it. It was great for summer, but now, in colder days, I can just throw it over my jacket, cardigan...and it still looks great.

Znam da dosta vas pjesma koju sam stavila uz ovaj post ide na živce, pošto je apsolutno svugdje. Ali, meni su i pjesma i umjetnik iza iste odlični, plus, prikladna je s obzirom da me tako dugo nije bilo. Pa... Hello, it's me :)

Sad na odjeću... jako dugo želim staviti ovaj prsluk na blog da vam ga pokažem, ima ga i u postu iz Barcelone, ali odlučila sam ga staviti u zaseban post. Baš je svestran, bio je odličan za ljeto, a sada u hladnije dane ga mogu obući preko jakne, kardigana i sl.

ZARA shoes
Style Moi vest
Asos Choker necklace



Friday, September 4, 2015


Hello my Lovelies!

Here's a quick summer post, maybe one of the last ones and I'm sooo excited (I'm probably the only person on the planet).If you guys have been with me from the beginning, you probably know I'm not a big summer lover and it makes me so happy to think colder weather is coming - layers, layers, layers = yey :)

Evo jedan brzi ljetni post, možda i jedan među zadnjima i ja sam vjerojatno jedina osoba na planeti koja je zbog toga sretna. Ako me pratite od početka, znate da nisam veliki ljetni ljubitelj i tako sam sretna što dolazi hladnije vrijeme - slojevi, slojevi, slojevi = jej!:)

 ZARA shoes&vest
Vintage bag
Pull&Bear shorts



Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Barcelona part 1

Hello my Lovelies!

I've been traveling for the last couple of weeks. I went to Barcelona and to Croatian cost for a little sea time. But the posts will only feature Barcelona. Now there's one thing you should know about me, I'm not the summer type. I don't like the heat or to lay in the sun. I get bored pretty fast. I love to travel to different places, being active and seeing different things. I try to travel as much as my job lets me and as much as I can. 

Barcelona, what a lovely place... I really enjoyed it. I will be making two posts. This one will feature Sagrada Familia, a building that absolutely enchanted me. Gaudi, the architect behind it, is such an amazing character. I felt he fell out of another world. The basilica was so beautiful and kind of unbelievable. We went to see other Gaudi buildings and his Park, but the basilica was my favorite part. In these pictures, there's also a fountain that has a spectacular show with music and lights and an old bull fighting arena that is turned into a shopping center. 

Hope you guys enjoy the pictures... 

Posljednjih nekoliko tjedana sam putovala u Bracelonu i po Hrvatskoj obali. No, postovi će biti samo iz Barcelone. Nešto što bi trebali znati o meni je da nisam ljetni tip. Ne volim vrućinu niti se izležavati na plaži, poprilično brzo mi postane dosadno. Obožavam putovati na različita mjesta, biti aktivna i vidjeti različite stvari. Pokušavam putovati koliko mi posao dopušta i koliko je u mojim mogućnostima. 

Barcelona, predivno mjesto... Napravit ću dva posta. Ovaj prvi će uključivati Sagrada Familia baziliku koja me je apsolutno očarala. Gaudi, arhitekt zaslužan za ovo remek djelo, kao da je ispao iz nekog drugog svijeta. Otišli smo pogledati i njegove druge zgrade i park, ali me bazilika najviše oduševila. U slikama koje slijede ćete vidjeti i fontanu koja se pretvara u spektakl sa glazbom i svjetlima i arenu gdje su se održavale borbe sa bikovima, koja je sad pretvorena u šoping centar.

Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti slike...
Pull&Bear shorts
Mango sandals
Style Moi cardigan
River Island backpack

